Fairy Graphics
How its done

Take one ordinary photo - apply effects with Paint Shop Pro - add a little imagination - enjoy forever!





The children featured here were dragged out of the swimming pool and asked to pose for the original picture.  Once a "base image" has been decided on, in this case the daisy, the artwork can begin.  The fairies are cropped from the original image and are dressed up with wings, jewels, flowers, sparkles and given new hair colour.  They are then positioned on our chosen image.  Getting the lighting and shading is the next tricky part but its essential to get this right if your new fairy picture is to work.
Not all pictures have had been made using posed pictures for example: Shrooms and Autumn Fairy below are made from typical happy snaps.



The most elaborate picture to date is the Lily Carriage.  A hair dryer was used to blow the hair back off the face but this proved quite ineffective because of the length of the hair (an industrial blower would've been better!).  In the end we had to resort to getting someone to hold her hair out behind her to give the impression of movement.  This was a lot of fun to make!




Copywrite Twisted Noodle 2003

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